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Den Bosch – Laon


cycling france bags1-fietsreis-frankrijk b-001I made a short trip to northern France, actually wanted to go in one day to Paris, but when I crossed the French border at 5.30 am , it was very hot over there. I had to find another store before closing time for my night supply, but no change for that in northern France. Only for 3 hours  and 90km later I found a night shop in Laon . I had driven  too fast and couldn’t manage to eat my pasta at the pizzeria. After my last experience with a heat wave I had become cautious and I didn’t feel like riding the returntrip the next afternoon in this hot France, so this would mean taking a train from Paris, but I came here to cycle, so turned my bike and drove back into the French night and enjoyed a wonderful trip!
After 650km I really got in the mood for a cold beer and  toke the train home in Maastricht.
I‘m all in all happy about how I finally managed the heat , next time I’ll make it to Paris and be better prepared.

One comment

  1. Samuel says:

    Hello Tim. I have my cardboard layout cutout already for the battery frame bag I talked about with you earlier. it would be easier to send you pictures but the shape especially around the edges is such a complex one I cannot simply send pictures and attain accuracy. I can post the cardboard layout to you with the instructions on other details and you can then get back to me via email with the other details. Is this good?

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